20 December 2010

christmas music

i've been meaning to share about some Christmas music that's been playing in our apartment... i mean other than the have yourself a merry little christmas or the all i want for christmas is you... or... last christmas... which i actually prefer to listen to in a mall. and i don't go to the mall often.

i'm talking about the music i've actually downloaded or seriously boost their number of views on itunes because i click replay so many times. 

i'm talking about....

You have come to save us.. y sons and daughters.. you can find that on noisetrade here.

I'm also talking about Omaha Collective...

which you can also find at noisetrade here. 

And I am also talking about the Walla Recovery's Christmas album which they just posted for free that you can get through their website (via noisetrade) here.
And that my friends, would be what I have been listening too, I hope you enjoy!



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