11 April 2010

otoño is near

on wednesday i ran sacked our apartment looking for my favorite hoodie (the wv one sorry matthew... its the most comfortable i have!)
on thursday i made my first cup of cinnamony hot chocolate in our apartment, theres something about hot chocolate that makes you nestle into the couch a little farther and fall into a quite possibly endless conversation with a friend - while you watch the movie load in front of you.. until it loads and you keep on enjoying conversation until youve talked the length the movie would have been anyway and its too late to press play.
on friday i declared the beginning of scarf season, nevermind that i was wearing short sleeves under my scarf. your neck gets colder than your arms anyway.
and sometime in the week i started sleeping in socks - thats how you know its getting colder outside. when you start unconsciously putting on socks before you go to sleep.

it is getting cooler, although im still sweating out the mornings in the jardin, the evenings are pretty hot chocolate perfect. and its giving me the serious desire to pick up the crochet needles. im getting antsy for it. and looking at websites like... Etsy ... inspires me and makes me wish i could knit. maybe i will pick that up this year. anyway im brainstorming how to fit crochet back into my routine. last year was pretty sad. im not even sure that i successfully completed a single project. m notorious for tearing out a scarf at least twice before continuing and finishing. this year i have my heart set on making pretty wearable creations. Gillian is encouraging me to sell them on etsy, and boast about alpaca yarn, which is very tempting if i can figure out if i would be taxed somehow in another country. there could be an advantage about having opposite seasons to the states here. spend my winter making things and the states winter selling things. its a possibility. seeing all the seamstresses around here and hearing from a friend that thers an institute where you can take classes... is really giving me to daydreams of getting in. ive always wished that i had worked harder on that part of my life. and think my grandma has the only one thing i ever started and finished.

we'll see what happens... for now... back to the kiddies in the jardin... they are starting to warm up to me... yes i might be bribing them with chocolate covered marshmallows... but they are warming up either way.



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