15 June 2011

as of, this week.

I am making up for the lack of posting in one month, in a day... 
a few more photos from our life recently...
When sugar cane gets burned in Trujillo, because our laundry room is open air, it ends up looking like this.

I've mentioned before about our cell group. It has changed a lot from last year to this. And in the beginning of this year was a little rough. But we are slowly growing, slowly but surely. We meet in the home of a friend that has moved out of the country to study. His mother is very committed in the church and welcomes everyone into her home. She's a nurse so naturally many conversations turn medical, between she and Julton. This is our group from this past week, we had many visitors. Many that actually don't live in town, but it was great to visit with them. We talked about the first chapter of 1 Peter (we are reading 1 and 2 Peter this week - we read one -or two small- book a week in between meetings. If someone forgot to read we read it again, and we talk about some things that stood out to us or we have meditated on). We talked about whether it is difficult or easy to be a Christian, and why. It's very exciting because although we are smaller than we were last year, each person in the group is opening up more and more, giving comments and talking about their own experiences. 

Every Sunday after the discussion, we get together at the table and Hermana Miriam serves tea and coffee, bread and ham or butter. And I usually bring along cookies when I can. The 'great-grandmother' of the group made me smile, because one day when I was boxing up the left overs, she said oh oh!! leave me one for later! - I left her the box. (They were cookies I had made.) In Peru some people eat lonche - which is what we are eating in the picture. Which is usually something small like bread and coffee, in the early evening. Then eat dinner later on, or eat one or the other. I have some friends that eat both and others that have one or the other.

This past weekend our friend David came into town to visit, and we all went out together. We miss our close friends that seemed to all have moved away this past year, not long after we were married! (Gillian, Heather and Calin we miss you!) Those of us that are still here got together with David this weekend. It reminded me of how much I miss all of them. He moved out of town several months ago, to Lima for work. He told us that he is happy with his job, but he misses his friends. We miss him too, not long ago we went to Lima... to find out that he was traveling outside of Lima that weekend.



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