04 April 2011

it happen.

And I don't think I have ever seen a hair stylist quite so content. I don't think he believed me at first but he was fast not to let me change my mind. I let him snip away at my hair and we chatted about how "wow, it really has been a year since you were in here "bossing me around  about how to" do your hair for your wedding!"

i've been really bossy and picky with him in the past when he's done anything to my hair. so when i went in and told him to do what he's been trying to convince him to let him do for a year now, i think our stylist-client relationship jumped a few notches. i finally trust him, and he finally appreciates me for realizing/appreciating/trusting his talent.


Gillian said...

yaaaay! You've finally cemented a good client/hairstylist relationship in Peru! And it loooks gooooood!

celiselott said...

Very pretty, Julie! I love it!

Julie said...

thanks guys!!! er, girls :D


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