27 May 2010


so a cow showed up at school today.

really, a real cow.

and no one knew it was coming.

in the middle of one of my hardest to keep focused classes.... screams and shrills of laughter and giggles... and "theres a baca!!!!!!"


so we took a break to go see the baby cow that was drinking some baby cow milk from a baby cow bottle.

then we went back to class to work happily ever after. not.

it was really strange no one really knew a cow was going to show up at school today. at least the word didnt get passed around. not just to me (which is normal) but to the homeroom teacher where i was either. apparently the 2 year olds are taking a class trip to one of the students homes tomorrow and the family has a farm. but they arent visiting the farm.

so the farm came a day early to all the little kiddies.


Gillian said...

I have 2 Peruvian cows named after me.

If that was one of them, it's almost like I came to visit you.

Wait a minute...

I think I have to think that sentence through better.


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